Able to guess the result if a child aged 11 years and have a modified motor. As happened in the Al Ghazy Nicola Bahsar. V-class elementary school students this "whine" to bokapnya (parents) have dicarikan modifikator because you want to change the look motornya.
Father, Agus, memercayakan Tauco Custom (TC) to modify the 2008 Yamaha Mio property to his son. "Accident near our house with that in Cilandak," Agus consideration.
Because the children have a small, Topo Goedel Atmojo, skipper TC, do not want to make extreme changes. The concept, a nice lowrider views. So, first step back behind the wheel 10 cm.
Body not be touched that much, except the front. The default is replaced with the Yamaha Fino is rounded and funny. Replace this must perforce membobok cover body front. "This time enggak wear plate, only the solder between the plastic body with the original default Mio Fino," said Topo. Then, the connection is covered with putty.
The back of the enggak also have the extreme, unless the muffler design of TC. Start from the neck to the middle of the muffler of the cover plate is closed galvanis. "Pure of us. Sekalian can be protective heat lho," Topo comment. Cover the accent be small holes, to show detail perfect.
Sokbreker standard diapkir back and go have a Honda Grand. Was selected as a replacement has several advantages. Apart form the chrome, "Trunk big enough that interesting. In terms of price is much cheaper," beber Topo.
Then, at the end of the seat back of the sissy bar that be tolerable unique design. "Because enggak want a sissy bar high, then the model is made with a short crown," belanya.
Ghazy also very pleased to see that I changed motornya display. Yes, Yamaha Mio is limited only to be regarded as age 11 years and still do not have SIM.

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